Is this how we will shop in a couple of years?
“Smart” Convenience Store Has No Cashiers
, Mobile, Smartstores, 0
After a crazy, late-night run for baby food, Robert Ilijason, a 39-year-old IT specialist, had the bright idea...
Smart Stores – Rebooting retail through in-store automation
, Solutions, 0
Customers these days expect the efficiency and convenience of an online experience when they visit a brick and mortar...
Next Generation of Loyalty & Customer Relationship
, Retailers, RFID, Software, 0
Unified Grocers, Inc. Introduces Next Generation of Loyalty and Customer Relationship Software to Its Members Through Accelitec | interact...
Are RFID tags leading to a surveillance culture?
, Future, RFID, Technology, 0
Radio frequency identification chips are already widely used in supermarkets and shops for the purpose of stock control, but...
What are SmartStores?
, Future, RFID, Technology, 0
SmartStores are stores that use smart technology, i.e., technology consisting of RFID, smart shelves, smart scales, smart carts, and...
Wising up to smart phones
, Future, Mobile, 0
With smartphones today, we can check what is on the movies and paying for admission. Looking up maps on...
RFID-enabled store display making an impression
, RFID, Technology, 0
The signagelive-enabled Estee Lauder Lab Series for Men RFID solution installed by Lime-IT in the House of Fraser store on...
More RFID for Wal-Mart
, Retailers, RFID, 0
Wal-Mart says it aims to switch from bar codes to RFID technology in its Sam’s Club stores. One third...
Microsoft Smart Stores March 9, 2023
Microsoft Cloud for Retail is a cloud-based solution that helps retailers to digitally transform the...
Smart Stores that are already trading February 10, 2022
For years now we have been talking about smart stores where nearly every part of the shopping experi...
Smart Stores – Rebooting retail through in-store automation August 23, 2020
Customers these days expect the efficiency and convenience of an online experience when they visit a...
Amazon launches ‘Smart Stores’ in India July 23, 2020
Amazon’s latest initiative into retail is called “Smart Stores”. Part of Amazon Pa...
How We’ll Buy Things in 2030 February 22, 2020
Smart Stores and Personalized Experiences How do you buy your stuff? Do you get in your car, or type...