Three years after the launch of the first iPhone, the advent of “mobile connectivity” is profoundly shaking up the way consumers shop, according to new research from Not just online, but in stores too, as a growing army of ‘smart shoppers’ are arriving in stores equipped with Internet enabled Smartphones.

Whilst these devices might be small, they still have the capacity to spend big. Of the 908 online shoppers that were asked about their mobile shopping habits, 66 percent owned a Smartphone or another Web-enabled phone. Of the consumers who shop from their mobile, nearly half (48 percent) claim that the convenience of having the Internet with them wherever they go is their number one reason for smart shopping.’s research found that of the consumers that own a Web-enabled mobile phone:

  • 24 percent compare or check prices from their mobile phone
  • 22 percent research product details and specifications from their Mobile phone
  • 16 percent purchase online from their mobile phone
  • 9 percent check product availability
  • 5 percent access online discount vouchers

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